There are many factors to weigh when crafting a healthcare media strategy for your brand. A multichannel approach can be especially effective to get your audience’s attention compared to a siloed approach or relying on a single venue, like social media. Multichannel marketing involves the targeted use of marketing and communication channels to deliver your message to the right person at the right time. Our team has pulled together expert insight to help you understand the media landscape so you can find the perfect mix of channels that make your healthcare media strategy successful.

Understanding the options

Marketing channels, also called distribution channels, are the places—both online and offline—where you promote your business and communicate with your audience. There are a variety of choices like digital advertising, events, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing and traditional marketing through mass media and print. Each channel offers different benefits and challenges. Let’s learn more about what they are and how to use them to drive the success of your healthcare media strategy.

Digital advertising

Digital ads use images, audio and video to communicate your message online. They usually appear as banners on websites, email platforms, social media posts, mobile apps, and many other Internet-based channels.




Targeted Allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behavior. Ad fatigue Overexposure can lead to users ignoring digital ads, known as banner blindness.
Measurable Analytics enable a clear understanding of ROI, click-through rates, and engagement. Costly Depending on the platform and competition, costs can be high, especially for PPC campaigns.
Flexible Campaigns can be quickly adjusted based on performance and insights gained. Complex Requires a deep understanding of digital platforms and algorithms to be effective.

Social media

Engage with audiences through dynamic platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Both paid and organic social media content can be leveraged to market your brand.




Engaging Direct interaction with the audience can build strong relationships and loyalty. Time-consuming Requires constant monitoring and content creation to stay relevant.
Far reaching High-quality content has the potential to be shared widely, increasing reach organically. Public Platforms are public, making it easier for negative comments to impact brand perception.
Insightful Social media platforms provide valuable data about your audience’s preferences and behaviors. Always changing Frequent algorithm updates can affect visibility and require constant strategy adjustments.


Whether virtual or in-person, events offer a unique opportunity to interact with consumers, thought leaders and industry professionals.




Personal Face-to-face interaction can foster stronger relationships and trust. Costly Events can be expensive to host or attend, including travel, setup and promotional materials.
Experiential Allows for a complete brand experience, which can be more impactful than other channels. Hard to scale Reaching a large audience can be difficult with physical events limited by location and space.
Networking opportunity Provides valuable opportunities to connect with industry leaders and potential partners. Vague ROI It can be challenging to measure the direct impact of event participation on sales.


Capitalize on the growing demand for audio content and provide thought leadership, insight into industry trends, and more through interviews with healthcare experts. Consider joining an established podcast as a guest if your brand is not in a position to create and maintain an additional owned channel.




Engaging Listeners tend to be highly engaged and choose to tune in, leading to better retention of information. High production Requires investment in good quality gear and storytelling to stand out.
Niche Podcasts often cater to specific interests, allowing for targeted marketing opportunities. Discoverability With a vast number of podcasts, it can be challenging for new podcasts to be found.
Convenient Consumers can listen to podcasts on the go, making it a flexible way to consume content. Vague ROI It can be harder to track listener conversion compared to more direct advertising channels.

Speaking stage

Secure speaking engagements at industry conferences and seminars to build thought leadership, share knowledge, and directly connect with professional audiences. Keep in mind that the success of speaking engagements often hinges on the speaker’s ability to connect with the audience and convey the message in a compelling way.




Authority building Speaking at industry events positions you as an expert in your field, enhancing your brand’s authority and credibility. Limited reach The impact is often confined to the number of attendees, which can be significantly smaller compared to digital channels.
Engaging Live audiences are generally more captive, making them more receptive to your message. Costly Preparing for a speaking engagement can be time-consuming and often requires a significant investment in resources.
Direct Offers the opportunity to receive immediate feedback and gauge audience reactions to your content. Low accessibility Not all target audience members may be able to attend due to factors like location, cost or timing.

Traditional channels

TV, radio, and print are time-tested mediums. Their broad reach and high trust factor remain crucial for reaching certain demographics.




Far reaching Can reach a large, diverse audience, including less tech-savvy demographics. Costly Often the most expensive options, with high costs for production and placement.
Credible Many people still associate traditional media with higher credibility and professionalism. Broad Targeting is trickier than digital ads, potentially leading to wasted impressions, especially for B2B brands.
Tangible Print offers a physical connection to the brand, which can have a lasting impression. Hard to measure Challenges in measuring engagement and direct response compared to digital channels.

Owned channels

Your brand’s digital properties, such as a website or mobile app, can be used to reach your audience. Website blogs can be a hub for value-driven content like articles, infographics and reports that educate and engage.




Powerful Full control over content, messaging, and user experience. Time consuming Requires a steady stream of quality content, which can be resource intensive.
Cost efficient Once established, owned channels offer long-term ways to reach an audience. High maintenance Need for ongoing upkeep and updates to keep the channels current and functional.
Visible When SEO is done right, it contributes to exponential organic search visibility and traffic. Narrow Solely relying on owned channels can limit visibility if not supported by other marketing efforts.
In recent years, the number of marketing channels available has increased considerably, especially online. Though this isn’t an exhaustive list, it provides a variety of solid options to consider when building your brand’s multichannel healthcare media strategy. Each channel should be considered not just on its own merits but how it fits into the overall strategy and complements other channels.

What channels are right for my brand?

Determining the ideal mix of channels for your brand’s healthcare media strategy depends on your target audience and overall marketing objectives. Taking an individual approach to each campaign will yield the best results, but we’ve gleaned some general wisdom for you to keep in mind. For patients and consumers, digital channels like social media and display ads are quite effective. They allow precise targeting and personalized content delivery to help you establish relevance and messages that resonate with your audience. Social media platforms facilitate direct connection and community-building, while display ads extend reach and capture attention across the broad digital landscape. Together, they form a complementary approach that can amplify your brand’s message as part of a robust healthcare media strategy. For a B2B audience, LinkedIn and industry webinars and podcasts allow you to showcase thought leadership and foster relationship-building with key decision-makers. Trade shows and conferences, although more traditional approaches, can also provide valuable speaking and networking opportunities. Regardless of which channels you choose, it’s important to keep your brand’s content consistent, authoritative and tailored to the unique aspects of your audience. This ensures your strategy is both comprehensive and effective.

Elevate your media strategy

The complexity of today’s healthcare media landscape demands a multifaceted and adaptive approach. Your brand’s ability to integrate a range of channels, from social media and digital ads to professional B2B engagements, will define the success of your healthcare media strategy. Activate Health has experience helping top healthcare brands develop multichannel strategies and deliver a coherent and compelling brand narrative. If your organization could benefit from agency support to elevate your multichannel marketing efforts, contact us today. With the right insight and expertise, your brand can achieve not just visibility but vitality in the ever-evolving healthcare conversation.